External Fellowship / Award Opportunities

The Irell & Manella Graduate School of Biological Sciences strongly encourages our students to actively seek external fellowship/award opportunities.
Children’s Tumor Foundation: Young Investigator Award
The Young Investigator Award, initiated in 1985, is Children’s Tumor Foundation’s longest running award program, and provides two-year salary support to early career neurofibromatosis (NF) researchers, such as senior doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers, to help them get established as independent NF investigators. (Deadline: January)
The Young Investigator Award, initiated in 1985, is Children’s Tumor Foundation’s longest running award program, and provides two-year salary support to early career neurofibromatosis (NF) researchers, such as senior doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers, to help them get established as independent NF investigators. (Deadline: January)
Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Program
The Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Program (DOE CSGF) is open to U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens who plan full-time, uninterrupted study toward a Ph.D. at an accredited U.S. university. The agency encourages applications from students in engineering and the physical, computer, mathematical or life sciences who meet the eligibility requirements. The fellowship provides four years of support but must be renewed each summer. Eligibility includes first-year MS or PhD students without an M.S. degree. (Deadline: January)
The Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Program (DOE CSGF) is open to U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens who plan full-time, uninterrupted study toward a Ph.D. at an accredited U.S. university. The agency encourages applications from students in engineering and the physical, computer, mathematical or life sciences who meet the eligibility requirements. The fellowship provides four years of support but must be renewed each summer. Eligibility includes first-year MS or PhD students without an M.S. degree. (Deadline: January)
Josephine de Karman Fellowship Trust
DeKarman (dissertation) fellowships are open to PhD students in any discipline, including international students, who are currently enrolled in a university located within the United States. Only PhD candidates who will defend their dissertation in or about June of the subsequent year are eligible for consideration for the fellowship. (Deadline: January)
DeKarman (dissertation) fellowships are open to PhD students in any discipline, including international students, who are currently enrolled in a university located within the United States. Only PhD candidates who will defend their dissertation in or about June of the subsequent year are eligible for consideration for the fellowship. (Deadline: January)
Porter Physiology Development Fellowship
The goal of the Porter Physiology Development Fellowship is to encourage diversity among students pursuing full-time studies toward the PhD in the physiological sciences and to encourage their participation in the American Physiological Society (APS). The program is open to underrepresented diverse groups of applicants who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its territories and student members of the Society. The applicant’s advisor/PI must also be a member of APS. Fellowships are awarded for one year, with the possibility of a second year of funding if trainee progress is rated by the Committee to be good. Under exceptional circumstances, a third year may be awarded. (Deadline: January)
The goal of the Porter Physiology Development Fellowship is to encourage diversity among students pursuing full-time studies toward the PhD in the physiological sciences and to encourage their participation in the American Physiological Society (APS). The program is open to underrepresented diverse groups of applicants who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its territories and student members of the Society. The applicant’s advisor/PI must also be a member of APS. Fellowships are awarded for one year, with the possibility of a second year of funding if trainee progress is rated by the Committee to be good. Under exceptional circumstances, a third year may be awarded. (Deadline: January)
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer – Pediatric Oncology Student Training (POST) Program
The POST Program is designed for undergraduate, graduate and medical students interested in pursuing a career in pediatric oncology research. POST provides an opportunity for students to train with a mentor who is conducting research in the field of pediatric oncology during the summer break. A mentor/mentee pair is a prerequisite for applying. Students may join a research project underway in a mentor’s lab or begin an original investigation with the mentor. Although the mentor and the student should work together on the application, it should be submitted online by the mentor. Students may train at an institution other than their own college, graduate or medical school. There is no citizenship restriction. (Deadline: February)
The POST Program is designed for undergraduate, graduate and medical students interested in pursuing a career in pediatric oncology research. POST provides an opportunity for students to train with a mentor who is conducting research in the field of pediatric oncology during the summer break. A mentor/mentee pair is a prerequisite for applying. Students may join a research project underway in a mentor’s lab or begin an original investigation with the mentor. Although the mentor and the student should work together on the application, it should be submitted online by the mentor. Students may train at an institution other than their own college, graduate or medical school. There is no citizenship restriction. (Deadline: February)
The Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR) Grant
The program awards grants of up to $1,000 to students from most areas of the sciences and engineering. Students use the funding to pay for travel expenses to and from a research site, or for purchase of non-standard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project.
The program awards grants of up to $1,000 to students from most areas of the sciences and engineering. Students use the funding to pay for travel expenses to and from a research site, or for purchase of non-standard laboratory equipment necessary to complete a specific research project.
Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Increase Diversity from the National Institute of Aging
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide dissertation awards in all areas of research within NIA’s strategic priorities to increase diversity of the scientific research workforce engaged in research on aging and aging-related health conditions. The applicant must have a baccalaureate degree and be enrolled in a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral-degree program, a formally combined M.D./Ph.D. program or other combined professional/clinical and research doctoral program in the biomedical, behavioral and social, and clinical sciences at an accredited domestic institution. (Deadline: February, June and October)
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide dissertation awards in all areas of research within NIA’s strategic priorities to increase diversity of the scientific research workforce engaged in research on aging and aging-related health conditions. The applicant must have a baccalaureate degree and be enrolled in a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral-degree program, a formally combined M.D./Ph.D. program or other combined professional/clinical and research doctoral program in the biomedical, behavioral and social, and clinical sciences at an accredited domestic institution. (Deadline: February, June and October)
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship
The purpose of the Kirschstein-NRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers. The proposed mentored research training must reflect the applicant’s dissertation research project and is expected to clearly enhance the individual’s potential to develop into a productive, independent research scientist. (Deadline: February, June and October)
The purpose of the Kirschstein-NRSA predoctoral fellowship (F31) award is to enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers. The proposed mentored research training must reflect the applicant’s dissertation research project and is expected to clearly enhance the individual’s potential to develop into a productive, independent research scientist. (Deadline: February, June and October)
Foundation for Women’s Wellness Gridley McKim-Smith Women’s Health Fellowship Awards
The awards are one-time, non-recurring $5,000 awards provided directly to awardees (subject to income tax). Only one application per applicant. There is no limit to the number of applications from any one medical institution/organization. Research should be related to the foundation’s priority areas, including cardiovascular disease, leading female cancers, hormones’ role in disease and stage-of-life health concerns, diseases or health concerns that disproportionately afflict women, exploration of gender differences related to the aforementioned topics. There is no citizenship restriction. (Deadline: April)
The awards are one-time, non-recurring $5,000 awards provided directly to awardees (subject to income tax). Only one application per applicant. There is no limit to the number of applications from any one medical institution/organization. Research should be related to the foundation’s priority areas, including cardiovascular disease, leading female cancers, hormones’ role in disease and stage-of-life health concerns, diseases or health concerns that disproportionately afflict women, exploration of gender differences related to the aforementioned topics. There is no citizenship restriction. (Deadline: April)
Diana Jacobs Kalman/AFAR Scholarships for Research in the Biology of Aging
Each scholarship is $5,000. Applicants must be MD, DO, PhD, or combined degree students in good standing at a not-for-profit institution in the United States. Examples of promising areas of research for award consideration include, but are not limited to aging and immune function, stem cell aging, inflammation, genetic control of longevity, neurobiology and neuropathology of aging, mechanisms of dementia, invertebrate or vertebrate animal models, cardiovascular aging, aging and cellular stress response, metabolic and endocrine changes, macular degeneration, regenerative biology, RNA control of gene expression in relation to age-related diseases. (Deadline: April)
Each scholarship is $5,000. Applicants must be MD, DO, PhD, or combined degree students in good standing at a not-for-profit institution in the United States. Examples of promising areas of research for award consideration include, but are not limited to aging and immune function, stem cell aging, inflammation, genetic control of longevity, neurobiology and neuropathology of aging, mechanisms of dementia, invertebrate or vertebrate animal models, cardiovascular aging, aging and cellular stress response, metabolic and endocrine changes, macular degeneration, regenerative biology, RNA control of gene expression in relation to age-related diseases. (Deadline: April)
American Society for Microbiology: Robert D. Watkins Minority Graduate Research Fellowship
$21,000/year three year award for formally admitted doctoral student who has successfully completed first year as doctoral candidate in the microbiology sciences at an accredited U.S. institution. Must be an ASM member, have an approved research project, and be a member of an underrepresented minority group. Must be U.S. citizen or a permanent resident. Eligibility requirements: must be a graduate student; must attend a university; restricted by race for Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander or American Indian/Alaska Native students; must be affiliated with American Society for Microbiology (Deadline: May)
$21,000/year three year award for formally admitted doctoral student who has successfully completed first year as doctoral candidate in the microbiology sciences at an accredited U.S. institution. Must be an ASM member, have an approved research project, and be a member of an underrepresented minority group. Must be U.S. citizen or a permanent resident. Eligibility requirements: must be a graduate student; must attend a university; restricted by race for Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander or American Indian/Alaska Native students; must be affiliated with American Society for Microbiology (Deadline: May)
Thermo Fisher Scientific Antibody Scholarship Program
The Program is open only to graduate and undergraduate students who (i) will be attending an accredited US college or university in the Fall 2020 semester; (ii) who is or will be a legal resident of one of the 50 US states or the District of Columbia as of August 6, 2020; (iii) will be at least 18 years of age or older as of August 6, 2020; and (iv) have a declared major of biology, chemistry, bio-chemistry or a related life science field; and (v) meets the following applicable GPA requirements: Graduate students must have a cumulative graduate GPA of >3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The program offers $35,000 in scholarship funding (Deadline: May)
The Program is open only to graduate and undergraduate students who (i) will be attending an accredited US college or university in the Fall 2020 semester; (ii) who is or will be a legal resident of one of the 50 US states or the District of Columbia as of August 6, 2020; (iii) will be at least 18 years of age or older as of August 6, 2020; and (iv) have a declared major of biology, chemistry, bio-chemistry or a related life science field; and (v) meets the following applicable GPA requirements: Graduate students must have a cumulative graduate GPA of >3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The program offers $35,000 in scholarship funding (Deadline: May)
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
The AHA funds basic, clinical, behavioral, translational and population research, bioengineering/biotechnology and public health problems broadly related to fulfilling our mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. At the time of application, the applicant must be enrolled full time in a post-baccalaureate Ph.D., M.D., D.O., D.V.M., Pharm.D., D.D.S., DrPH, or Ph.D. in nursing or equivalent clinical health science doctoral degree program, who seeks research training with a sponsor prior to embarking upon a research career. a full-time student working towards his/her degree. At the time of award activation, the candidate must have completed initial coursework and be at the stage of the program where he/she can devote full-time effort to research or activities related to the development into an independent researcher or a related career aimed at improving global cardiovascular health. (Deadline: August)
The AHA funds basic, clinical, behavioral, translational and population research, bioengineering/biotechnology and public health problems broadly related to fulfilling our mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. At the time of application, the applicant must be enrolled full time in a post-baccalaureate Ph.D., M.D., D.O., D.V.M., Pharm.D., D.D.S., DrPH, or Ph.D. in nursing or equivalent clinical health science doctoral degree program, who seeks research training with a sponsor prior to embarking upon a research career. a full-time student working towards his/her degree. At the time of award activation, the candidate must have completed initial coursework and be at the stage of the program where he/she can devote full-time effort to research or activities related to the development into an independent researcher or a related career aimed at improving global cardiovascular health. (Deadline: August)
The Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship
Eligible applicants for Hertz Fellowships must be students of the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, and engineering who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States of America, and who are willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the United States in time of national emergency. Only applicants who propose to complete a program of graduate study leading to a PhD degree are eligible. Applications are accepted both from students in the final year of their bachelor’s program and from those who have already commenced graduate study. Please note that applications from students currently beyond their first year of graduate school are only considered favorably in cases where exceptional research leverage can be demonstrated. The fellowship is renewable annually for up to 5 years. (Deadline: October)
Eligible applicants for Hertz Fellowships must be students of the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, and engineering who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States of America, and who are willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the United States in time of national emergency. Only applicants who propose to complete a program of graduate study leading to a PhD degree are eligible. Applications are accepted both from students in the final year of their bachelor’s program and from those who have already commenced graduate study. Please note that applications from students currently beyond their first year of graduate school are only considered favorably in cases where exceptional research leverage can be demonstrated. The fellowship is renewable annually for up to 5 years. (Deadline: October)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education. NSF especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, veterans, and undergraduate seniors to apply. (Deadline: October)
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
The competition is merit-based. Selection criteria emphasize creativity, originality, initiative, and sustained accomplishment. Each Fellowship supports one to two years of graduate study in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program in the United States. To be eligible, applicants must meet one of the following requirements: (a) a US citizen by birth and both of your parents were born abroad as non-US citizens; (b) been naturalized as a US citizen either on your own or as a minor child under the application of one of your parents; (c) were born outside of the US or one of its territories and were subsequently adopted by American parents and were awarded US citizenship because of your adoption; (d) in possession of a valid green card; (e) been granted asylum or refugee status in the US; (f) non-US citizen/resident but graduated from both high school and college in the US.
The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education. NSF especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, veterans, and undergraduate seniors to apply. (Deadline: October)
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
The competition is merit-based. Selection criteria emphasize creativity, originality, initiative, and sustained accomplishment. Each Fellowship supports one to two years of graduate study in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program in the United States. To be eligible, applicants must meet one of the following requirements: (a) a US citizen by birth and both of your parents were born abroad as non-US citizens; (b) been naturalized as a US citizen either on your own or as a minor child under the application of one of your parents; (c) were born outside of the US or one of its territories and were subsequently adopted by American parents and were awarded US citizenship because of your adoption; (d) in possession of a valid green card; (e) been granted asylum or refugee status in the US; (f) non-US citizen/resident but graduated from both high school and college in the US.
American Association of University Women: American Fellowships
AAUW American Fellowships support women scholars who are completing dissertations, planning research leave from accredited institutions, or preparing research for publication. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of scholarly excellence; quality and originality of project design; and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research. (Deadline: November)
AAUW American Fellowships support women scholars who are completing dissertations, planning research leave from accredited institutions, or preparing research for publication. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of scholarly excellence; quality and originality of project design; and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research. (Deadline: November)
American Association of University Women: International Fellowships
International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported. Recipients are selected for academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to women and girls. Originally designed to provide Latin American women opportunities for graduate and postgraduate study in the U.S., the International Fellowships program awarded its first fellowship in 1917. The program now includes women from around the world, and International Fellowships have been awarded to more than 3,600 women from more than 150 nations. (Deadline: November)
International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported. Recipients are selected for academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to women and girls. Originally designed to provide Latin American women opportunities for graduate and postgraduate study in the U.S., the International Fellowships program awarded its first fellowship in 1917. The program now includes women from around the world, and International Fellowships have been awarded to more than 3,600 women from more than 150 nations. (Deadline: November)
American Association for Cancer Research Scholar-in-Training Awards
Scholar-in-Training Awards are highly competitive and recognize outstanding young investigators presenting meritorious proffered papers at the AACR Annual Meeting. Applicants must be the first author and presenter of an abstract submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting. Scholar-in-Training Award funds are to defray travel, subsistence, and registration expenses to attend the Annual Meeting. Home institutions may not deduct any overhead expenses from these funds, and no government funds are used in support of Scholar-in-Training Awards. (Deadline: December)
Scholar-in-Training Awards are highly competitive and recognize outstanding young investigators presenting meritorious proffered papers at the AACR Annual Meeting. Applicants must be the first author and presenter of an abstract submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting. Scholar-in-Training Award funds are to defray travel, subsistence, and registration expenses to attend the Annual Meeting. Home institutions may not deduct any overhead expenses from these funds, and no government funds are used in support of Scholar-in-Training Awards. (Deadline: December)
Autism Science Foundation Predoctoral Training Awards & Medical Student Gap Year Research Training Awards
The Autism Science Foundation invites applications for its Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Awards from graduate students, medical students and postdoctoral fellows interested in pursuing careers in basic and clinical research relevant to autism spectrum disorders. The proposed training should be scientifically linked to autism but may be broadened to include training in a closely related area of scientific research. Autism Science Foundation will consider all areas of related basic and clinical research including but not limited to: human behavior across the lifespan (language, learning, behavior, communication, social function, motor skills & planning, epilepsy, sleep, repetitive disorders), neurobiology (anatomy, development, neuroimaging), pharmacology, behavioral intervention, neuropathology, genetics and gene/environment interactions, epigenetics, genomics, epigenomics, immunology, molecular and cellular mechanisms, studies employing model organisms and systems, and studies of treatment and service delivery. (Deadline: December)
The Autism Science Foundation invites applications for its Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Awards from graduate students, medical students and postdoctoral fellows interested in pursuing careers in basic and clinical research relevant to autism spectrum disorders. The proposed training should be scientifically linked to autism but may be broadened to include training in a closely related area of scientific research. Autism Science Foundation will consider all areas of related basic and clinical research including but not limited to: human behavior across the lifespan (language, learning, behavior, communication, social function, motor skills & planning, epilepsy, sleep, repetitive disorders), neurobiology (anatomy, development, neuroimaging), pharmacology, behavioral intervention, neuropathology, genetics and gene/environment interactions, epigenetics, genomics, epigenomics, immunology, molecular and cellular mechanisms, studies employing model organisms and systems, and studies of treatment and service delivery. (Deadline: December)
Ford Foundation Fellowship
Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded in a national competition administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on behalf of the Ford Foundation. Awards will be made for study in research-based Ph.D. or Sc.D. programs. (Deadline: December)
Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. Predoctoral, Dissertation, and Postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded in a national competition administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on behalf of the Ford Foundation. Awards will be made for study in research-based Ph.D. or Sc.D. programs. (Deadline: December)
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program
The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEF) is meant to increase the number of U.S. citizens and nationals trained in science and engineering disciplines of military importance. NDSEG Fellowships last for a period of up to three years (based on continued funding), and covers full tuition and mandatory fees. Fellows also receive a monthly stipend ($3,200), and up to $1,200 a year in medical insurance. The NDSEG Fellowship is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Army Research Office (ARO), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OSD) for Research and Engineering. (Deadline: December)
The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEF) is meant to increase the number of U.S. citizens and nationals trained in science and engineering disciplines of military importance. NDSEG Fellowships last for a period of up to three years (based on continued funding), and covers full tuition and mandatory fees. Fellows also receive a monthly stipend ($3,200), and up to $1,200 a year in medical insurance. The NDSEG Fellowship is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Army Research Office (ARO), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OSD) for Research and Engineering. (Deadline: December)
The Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship
The Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship-for-Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a full scholarship and guaranteed civilian employment with the Department of Defense (DoD) upon degree completion. Applicants MUST be pursuing a technical degree in one of the 21 STEM disciplines listed below. Technical degrees include programs specializing in science, mathematics and engineering (as listed in the 21 approved disciplines).
The Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship-for-Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a full scholarship and guaranteed civilian employment with the Department of Defense (DoD) upon degree completion. Applicants MUST be pursuing a technical degree in one of the 21 STEM disciplines listed below. Technical degrees include programs specializing in science, mathematics and engineering (as listed in the 21 approved disciplines).
UNCF/Merk Graduate Science Research Dissertation
The purpose of this fellowship is to increase the number of African Americans in the pipeline of biomedical science education and research in the fields of biological and physical sciences. The UNCF-Merck Science Initiative is dedicated to supporting the training and development of world-class African American biomedical scientists to achieve the complementary goals of national economic competitiveness and social diversity. Applicants must be African American, enrolled full-time in a doctoral program in the life or physical sciences, a third or fourth-year graduate student, a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.