Student Living Resources
The information below is from publicly available sources and is provided only as a convenience to our students in their preparation for a housing search. City of Hope neither inspects, makes any representation about, or extends any warranties with respect to, any listed housing unit, or about the accuracy of any information contained in any of the websites linked below. No relationship is created between City of Hope, students or any property owners/listing agencies, and no legal responsibility is assumed by City of Hope, as a result of providing the information.
Our Neighborhoods

City of Hope is situated in Duarte, which is part of the larger Los Angeles metropolitan area located in Southern California. Our campus, overlooking the Angeles National Forest, is surrounded by towns that offer diverse living experiences and many affordable housing options for our students. These towns are easily accessible from City of Hope by bike, car or via Metro L Line (Gold) and buses. Free off-site parking and shuttle services to City of Hope are provided. Discounts for public transportation are also available for employees and students.
To learn more about the neighborhood towns surrounding our campus, please visit these municipal websites:
- Arcadia
- Azusa
- Baldwin Park
- Covina
- Duarte
- Glendora
- Monrovia
- Pasadena
- Sierra Madre
- South Pasadena
- Temple City
- West Covina
Rental Searching
In 2021, single units ($1,100-$1,400), shared 2+ bedroom apartments ($700-$900 per person) or rooms for rent ($500-$800) in the neighborhoods listed above are available from the following popular rental websites:
Gude to Tenants
Useful links from FTC.GOV and CA.GOV on rental rights, responsibilities and safety: